CRM Training & User Adoption
We offer customized training--in person, online, and/or via written documentation and screencasts--for managers and sales consultants. You don't need to learn how to customize your system unless you plan to customize your system in-house. And you don't need to learn all of the bells and whistles available when you'll only use a few key functions on a daily basis.
It is critical that once a CRM has been put in place all of its users actually use it to record activities and take a proactive approach to ensure its accuracy and usefulness to the organization. User adoption depends on several factors:
Proper customization of the product to begin with.
Having an internal champion for the use of the product, preferably one who is in a leadership position.
Sufficient training of all personnel with access to the CRM.
A culture that enforces the rule: "If it's not in the CRM, it doesn't exist."
In addition, many companies have found that using performance software that offers a friendly climate of competition and rewards users for completing the activities that lead to sales can increase adoption significantly.